2017-2023 Mine Consulting Projects:
Black Pine
Open pit mine design support, mine scheduling, haulage networks, and equipment fleet calculation for a multi-pit project.
Fort Knox
Support on the strategic business plan including phase design review, haulage databases setup, and detailed mine scheduling by loading unit.
Great Bear
Trade-off cost analysis conventional waste dump construction and co-disposal waste dump sequencing including equipment requirements, waste dump sizing, reclamation, and others.
Support on inner phase design for a multi-pit deposit. Detailed LOM plan and dump/leach sequencing.
Bald Mountain
Internal open pit phase design options, reserve estimation and associated waste stripping, and LOM mine scheduling.
Truck haulage analysis for a multi-mine operation, detailed LOM mine plan including dump sequencing on a monthly and yearly basis.
Copper Mountain
Open pit optimization including parametric analysis, ultimate and internal phase selection, and design. LOM scheduling with equipment fleet calculation.
Limon Guajes
Ultimate open pit design and internal phasing. Life of mine scheduling (LOM), equipment estimation, and waste dump sequencing.
Internal open pit phase design options, including reserve estimation and associated waste stripping.
Definition of economic parameters for open pit optimization (multiple deposits), and resource/reserve estimation.
Santo Domingo
Multi-process Leach & Mill strategic evaluation including open pit optimization, nested cone shell analysis, Cutoff/Cutover definition, phase ranking, and life of mine scheduling.
Strategic open pit mining analysis considering various commodity prices, multiple phase evaluation, and mining rate / processing rate sensitivity with mining fleet estimates.
Support on the development of a scoping study for a multi-process operation, involving ultimate pit design, phase design, waste dump design, stockpile/leach pad design, life of mine scheduling, and mine equipment requirements.
La Coipa
Mine planning support for the restart of La Coipa, update of the mine start-up, equipment requirement, mill feed schedule, and metal production.
Ann Mason
Support on the development of strategic mine planning, including open pit optimization, pit design, and optimal life of mine scheduling.
Lobo Marte
Open pit design, dumps, and stockpile designs. Detailed life of mine scheduling with multi-pit scenarios, constrained to equipment hours and limited process capacity.
Training on Python Scripting and Practical Applications to Mining Engineering, from open pit optimization to life of mine scheduling.
El Toro
Support on the tactical and strategic life of mine plan, including pit optimization, pit design, cutoff grade definition, and optimal mining sequence.
Debottlenecking options to increase mining capacity. Support on the strategic long term mine planning and design.
Pueblo Viejo
Open pit optimization, pushback definition, pit design, and mine scheduling support with MSSO Scheduler.
Mineral Reserve estimation. Support on the Strategic life of mine scheduling with optimal cutoff grade policies in order to maximize Net Present Value. Equipment requirements for the LOM plan. Support on the implementation of an Activity Based Scheduler for short term mine planning.
Round Mountain
Support on the development of the Phase W feasibility study, including block valuing with time dependent recovery models, ultimate pit, intermediate pushback selection using a customized bench by bench optimizer tool, pit design, detailed LOM scheduling using MSSO scheduler, mine fleet sizing, and economic evaluation.
Pinto Valley
Assistance on short range and long range mine planning: Quarterly forecasts, annual resource and reserve statements, ultimate pit definition, intermediate phasing using a customized bench by bench optimizer tool, dump/phase design, annual / 5 year / and LOM scheduling using MSSO scheduler (including equipment requirements, and dump sequencing).
Lagunas Norte
Integration between MS Haulage / Qpit for truck cycle estimation using SQL databases for detailed short range mine planning, including optimal haul profiles (shortest routes), historical modeling of loader/shovel/truck performance, and equipment sizing.
Development of optimal mining scenarios for tactical and strategic mine planning, including pushback definition and design, stockpile strategies, and equipment productivity.